It's a really long story, but the good news is I won't be going to jail and I won't having something on my permanent record but I will probably have to pay a fine. Gotta love the good ol' south.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
To Mardi
Thank you thank you thank know what you did. And thanks for still being my friend!
Posted by Tracy Haws at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My last few days...
I just needed to get this out there cause I'm sure if I make fun of my experience I'll be able to laugh about it a little easier and hopefully sooner. Yesterday was spent in doing loads, and loads, and loads of laundry and it continued in to today. Nathan went down for his nap in his pull up cause he still wakes up soaked, and about 20 minutes later walks out asking for a wipe. I look at him and see poop running down his leg onto my carpet and I scream! Drew, bless his beautiful sleep through anything but a door creak soul, slept through the whole thing. Nathan had gotten poop all over the wall next to his bed, his comforter and sheets and one pillow. It was a nightmare to get his clothes off of him without getting it all over the floor and more importantly me. I then put him in the bathtub to clean him which meant I then had to bleach the tub on top of quickly laundering his bed items and removing poop out of my carpets and bleaching the wall. After Nate got out of the tub, I battled for over an hour and half to get Nate to nap in my bed. He didn't nap, and was a monster the rest of the day. To top it all off, in the wee hours of this morning he comes into our room asking for a wipe. (Notice a trend here? yikes!) He had blood all over his PJ's, his freshly laundered comforter and sheets and pillow and specifically his right pointer finger. Argh! Thankfully Eddie got the pillows into the wash and I got the rest of the items into the wash and no stains as of yet. However, he had another bloody nose this morning, yep he did ask for a wipe, and got it all over my carpet and his clothes. While I've been trying to deal with all of this, we don't have a single clean dish in the house and the pile of laundry has turned into a mountain...and I have the pictures to prove it.
I need a nap.
The reason I have so much laundry in the first place.
Nathan has had fun playing on the mountain all day today, but thanks to Eddie's amazing efforts, the mountain has turned into a hill and many folded piles.
And I'm embarrassed to admit this, but these dishes are still sitting on my counter. I keep promising Eddie I'll do them, but the task always seems so daunting and then I tell myself I'll do them tomorrow. What is it that President Monson always says, "If we live only for tomorrow, we'll eventually have a lot of empty yesterdays."
Posted by Tracy Haws at 10:18 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pictures from our trip to the Fritz Petting Zoo & Park
On Tuesday our Mother's Group went to this really cool free petting zoo here in Irving. The kids had a blast despite the icky, sticky hot weather.
Posted by Tracy Haws at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
A tearful Sunday
I'm not sure what instigated the tears, but yesterday (Sunday) was a rough one for me. More than anything I just wanted to call my Mom and spill my guts about everything. During this pity party for one, my son Nathan walks into the room and quietly whispers in my ear, "Don't cry Mom...Everything will be okay." Something that I often tell him during his tears. How right you are son, everything will be okay. I miss my mother, but I'm so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge that I have that I will see her again. And that my sweet, precious Nathan will be a link in my family chain forever.
Posted by Tracy Haws at 3:13 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Some good reads
So while I was in Utah, without my children, I found myself with time to read. Crazy huh? My sister brought me a series of three books by Shannon Hale and I have finished the first two and am dying to get a hold of the third and final book. However, I think I'm going to have to wait until my next trip because I can't seem to find the time to read anymore. Alas...But maybe some of you have time and if so, you should definitely check them out "Goose Girl", "Enna Burning" and "River Secrets". Good reads ya'll!
Posted by Tracy Haws at 9:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Long overdue post
Posted by Tracy Haws at 5:56 PM 7 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Photo Shoot with Dad!
Thanks to Joni for helping me figure out more about blogging and thanks to Kevin for letting me steal her for hours and hours. Due to this wonderful tutorial, ya'll now have pictures to enjoy!
Posted by Tracy Haws at 10:31 PM 5 comments