Saturday, May 16, 2009

So tonight before bed the boys were allowed one story to be read by dad. Nate's choice was a little picture book of Book of Mormon stories. When Eddie got to the story of King Benjamin, he asked Nate "Who is this story about? Do you remember his name?" After some hesitation, I tried to prompt him with "You have a cousin with this name." He quickly replied "King Jo-jo-namin". It was awesome! I almost didn't correct him, but I'm sure if he ever mentioned King Jo-jo-namin in primary his teacher's wouldn't know to whom he was referring.

I have to say, it was kind of fun tonight getting ready for bed because we had set up the tent in the family room to dry out from it's monsoon experience this morning and so read stories inside the tent. Nathan and Andrew had a blast running around and chasing each other in the tent and Andrew said his first sentence tonight. All done time out. Classic. Of course he was referring to Nathan and Drew's desire for Nathan to be done with time out, but in our household lately, the time out could really have been for either boy. We were still proud of his attempt at completing a sentence, mostly he just makes jabbering sounds that are very much Ewok'ish or one syllable words.

My other thought for the night is this: I'm so thankful for such good friends. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful women who make this my home. I'm grateful for friends who will call me to make sure I get home safe from a fun night out and to make sure my empty home is safe and sound. I'm grateful for friends who let me drop in and visit and for friends that drop in and visit with me (and still love me despite my messy home). Thank you friends. I love you.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could just drop in and see you and vis versa. You're beautiful by the way!!!

Sally said...

That is so cute--Jo-jo-namin--I love it :)
That must have SHOCKED you yesterday when you thought your foundation just cracked all the way!! Oi!

Net said...

And we love you right back. Wait, were you talking to me?

Keri Blue said...
