Saturday, September 6, 2008

Like mother like daughter...

So I was talking to an unamed person, okay lets give her a name, Pat, the other day. While on the phone her daughter, little Pat, ran past her to get to the bathroom. After a few minutes she wanted to go check on her to make sure everything was alright. Sure enough, little Pat was fine and finished her business in a timely fashion. However, the humor started to sink in when Pat took a closer look into the bathroom and saw little Pat's scriptures laying next to the toilet. Pat asked her daughter, "Why are your scriptures next to the toilet little Pat?" "Because that's where you read your's Mom." Pat then responded to me with a chuckle, "I guess at least my kids see me reading my scriptures, even if only on the pot."


Mommydew said...

haha, hilarious!

Sally said...


erin said...

so, how old is little pat? i keep wondering when fox will start picking up on mom and dad's good/bad (more concerned about the latter) habits?

Tracy Haws said...

She is five, going on 30.

Jeana said...

Hi Tracy! I just found your blog. Yeah I am excited because now I can keep better tabs on you and your cute little family. I can't believe how much the boys have grown since I was out there a couple of months ago. So crazy! It had such a awesome time seeing you and having some girl time with ya. I just love you to pieces and miss you tons! Any planned trips to Cali in the near future?? Hey I can hope right... ;)